Stillwater: A Cradle of Oklahoma History

Key Information

Stillwater: A Cradle of Oklahoma History, By D. Earl Newsom

2007 [ISBN: 1-58107-133-7; 214 pages; 8 ½ x 10 inch; hard cover] $19.95


SCOKcovLimited First Edition, each copy autographed and individually numbered – one of New Forums Press’ Oklahoma Centennial Collector’s Series

  • Shows Stillwater’s important role in the early history of Oklahoma
  • Features a special section in aerial color photos showing the great historical changes in our State’s Centennial Year
  • Covers our unique history from Washington Irving’s tour through the great land runs, the Boomer invasions and a glimpse of the future
  • Depicts a special day in Stillwater history through the beautiful cover by artist Jack Allred
  • Retains the rare historical photos of Stillwater: One Hundred Memories, plus many others not included in the earlier volume
  • You’ll want a copy of this hard-bound volume for your personal library and as a great Christmas gift for your friends and family

Although much has been written about Stillwater’s fascinating history, this volume may be of special interest because it not only records the past but it also captures the history-making events of the Centennial Year 2007 in clear aerial color photographs by Kenneth Helt. Not since the post- World War II years has the city experienced such a remarkable surge in population, business expansion and housing developments or seen the dramatic changes in its Main Street. These factors, plus pictures and text that show Stillwater’s role in early Oklahoma history, make this an important addition to each citizen’s personal library. Even those who see this volume in the distant future will be able to follow the story in text and pictures of Stillwater’s history from the time of the William L. Couch Boomer encampment of 1884 on Stillwater Creek through the history-making Centennial year and even to see a glimpse of the future.

The Contents



  1. The Valley of the Still Water
  2. Oklahoma – Its Official Beginning
  3. The Boomers Invade Oklahoma
  4. The Couch Encampment
  5. Victory – The Great 1889 Land Run
  6. The Vigilantes
  7. The Early Years
  8. The County Seat Fight
  9. The Early Schools
  10. A Call to Worship
  11. Oklahoma A&M College
  12. On to the Cherokee Strip
  13. The Country Years – 1917-1945
  14. A Town Becomes a City
  15. The Country Spirit Survives
  16. Reminders of the Past
  17. Looking Back – Looking Ahead

Bibliography About the Author Index

The Author

A native of Drumright, OK, D. Earl Newsome is author of four other historical books, including Kicking Bird and the Birth of Oklahoma, Stillwater-One hundred Years of Memories, and two volumes on the great Drumright oil field. He is a graduate of Oklahoma State University and Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. He began his career as a newspaper reporter and editor and then taught journalism at Texas A&M College and the University of Maryland. He received numerous citations for academic and professional achievement. Earl passed away in 2013.


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