Writing Style

The Journal of Faculty Development is an interdisciplinary publication. As such, it is critical that potential authors write clearly and effectively for a wide range of readers. At times, writing can enhance or detract from your research and scholarship. Potential authors should review and proofread their manuscripts with the following suggestions in mind:

  1. Avoid “There is . . .,” “There are . . . ,” and “It is . . . ” constructions.
  2. Follow “This” and “That” by a noun.
  3. Use the serial comma (i.e., one comma less than the total number of items in the list) for words, phrases, or lists in a series. For example: The journal publishes research, scholarship, and creative works. Semi-colons appear in a list only if the individual units contain commas.
  4. Use a comma to separate two main clauses joined by one of the seven coordinating conjunctions:  for, and, but, or, nor, so (that), yet. Place the comma before the conjunction
  5. Avoid “when” and “where after “is” in definitions.
  6. Avoid redundancies such as “the reason why” or “is because.”
  7. Do not substitute “would be” for the present or past verb tense.
  8. Use pronouns properly (e.g., “Terry was the kind of student that took tests poorly” should be “Terry was the kind of student who took tests poorly.”)
  9. Hyphenate two consecutive modifiers being used as a singular adjective (e.g., I developed a six-minute video on degree-completion students).
  10. Use introductory commas (e.g., Therefore, I conclude that flipping goes well).

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