Rights & Permissions

ReprintsAll copyright and permissions requests related to titles published by New Forums Press are referred to the Copyright Clearance Center. You should enter the name of the title for which you seek permissions on the Center’s Web site to obtain the information you need.

Rights for a given title published by New Forums Press revert to the author(s) should we allow the title to go out of print. If the title for which you are seeking reproduction or other permissions is not listed on our online store, you should contact the appropriate author(s).

For further help with questions or issues concerning our offerings, contact us through one of the following:

Contact information

  • Phone: (405) 372-6158
  • Email: contact@newforums.com
  • Fax: (405) 377-2237
  • Street Address: ATTN: Rights & Permissions, New Forums Press, PO Box 876, Stillwater, OK 74076

All books and journals published by the New Forums Press (NFP) are protected by copyright. If you would like to submit a request to reprint material copyrighted by NFP, you may do so by contacting us through the avenues shown above.

Please note that many of the illustrations used in NFP books and journals may not be copyrighted by NFP. Refer to the credit line adjacent to the illustration, as well as the front and back matter of the book, for credit information. You must obtain permission directly from the original source of the illustration. On occasion, maps, tables, and other details may be copyrighted by NFP.

Once submitted, your request will be acknowledged and processed in the order in which it was received. Provided your request is complete and your use is approved, a permission contract and invoice will be sent to you via postal service. You will also receive notification if your request is denied.

We strive to respond to your requests as quickly as possible, but response time varies with the number of requests received. Please be sure to allow 3-4 weeks for processing.

Permission to use NFP material for academic courses/coursepacks: Copyright Clearance Center

If the CCC is unable to grant permission, e-mail, fax, or mail your request to the New Forums Press. Please include the following information with your request:

  • Author
  • Title of book or journal (specify volume and number)
  • Page numbers and page count
  • School, course name, semester, and instructor requesting permission to copy material or place items on reserve
  • Approximate number of copies required or number of students taking course

Books for students with disabilities

You may arrange for an electronic version of a NFP book to assist a student with a verified disability if the book has been purchased for that student by contacting us directly at contact@newforums.com


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