General Book Guidelines

GirlInLibraryYour interest in the publications offered by new Forums Press is greatly appreciated. For convenience in completing your accepted manuscript, or for help with submissions, use the New Forums Author Guidelines below or call 405-372-6158 with any questions. In addition to our peer-reviewed periodicals, New Forums offers a number of scholarly book series. Further, we seek guest editors for special themed issues of our journals. Email the publisher if you are interested in submitting a manuscript for either a book series or a journal.


New Forums Press is an independent publisher offering works devoted to various aspects of professional development in higher education, home and office aides, and various titles of a regional interest. We welcome suggestions for thematic series of books and thematic issues of our academic journals–addressing a single issue, problem, or theory. View the titles and title categories for which we seek submissions by selecting the “Our Titles” tab above.

Style and Content Guidelines for Authors

  • We strongly suggest that you ask several of your colleagues to read the manuscript before you submit it for review. This practice will increase the chances that your article will be accepted without extensive, time-consuming changes.
  • For our education series, please refer to the APA Publication Manual (6th Edition) for rules regarding style and format, especially Chapter 2, “Expression of Ideas.” The editors and reviewers expect your manuscript to reflect the highest standards of expository writing. For our other title series, please contact our offices to discuss the appropriate style and format.
  • The use of the passive voice makes traditional academic prose turgid and dull. Strive to use active voice in your writing for our publications.
  • Avoid superfluous citations and try to minimize citations of unpublished material. Widely acknowledged phenomena, standard research procedures, and well-known facts do not require citations.
  • Avoid the use of jargon and define any terms that are likely to be unfamiliar to our readership.
  • If your submission involves a case study or a description of a program, you should discuss the evaluation process and its results in great detail.
  • If your submission involves an empirical research study, please make sure that you fully address the implications of this research for practice in higher education.

The Review Process

Preferably, email the document file as an attachment to Otherwise mail one copy of the paper manuscript to Submissions, New Forums Press, P.O. Box 876, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 74076. Always indicate the book series to which you are submitting. Manuscripts will be acknowledged upon receipt.

After an initial review, each manuscript will be sent to at least three reviewers for their assessment. The reviewers may recommend that we accept the manuscript in its original form or suggest changes and modifications before publication. They may also reject a manuscript if they believe it is unsuitable for our purposes.

The criteria used for the evaluation of manuscripts include:

  • Logic and organization of the manuscript.
  • Quality of writing.
  • Clarity of the thesis, argument, or question.
  • Quality of support for thesis/argument/question.
  • Extent to which the implications are explored.
  • Pertinence to the book series or journal audience.
  • Suitability for the book series or journal:
    1. represents a completely innovative contribution to the field
    2. makes a contribution that is useful (but not necessarily ground-breaking)
    3. describes novel ideas, concepts, or techniques
    4. applies existing concepts and techniques in novel ways
    5. integrates existing research in useful ways
    6. provides a useful synthesis of ideas in the field

Upon acceptance, a publication agreement will be offered to you for the use of the rights of your work. Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author will submit the revised manuscript in RTF format on a computer disk if the first submission was not via email. Microsoft Word or any other standard word-processing program is acceptable. Three copies of the published book will be sent to each author or title editor. .

Manuscript Submission and Formatting Requirements

Manuscripts for our various education series must conform to the American Psychological Association’s format described in the association’s Publication Manual (6th Edition). Please double-check references, citations, headings, figures, and graphs for compliance with the APA format.

Manuscripts should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document, or a similar standard word processor document (saved in RTF rich text), as an attachment to an email sent to Otherwise, submit your manuscript on 8 ½ x 11 inch white bond paper (one original) to Submissions, New Forums Press, P.O. Box 876, Stillwater, OK 74076. The name and complete address, telephone, fax number, and email address of each author should appear on a separate cover page, so it can be removed for the blind review process.

All figures and tables should appear at the end of the manuscript, each on a separate page. All portions of figures and tables must be in black only, and created in the word processing program, not generated from a linked spreadsheet or other application. The author(s) should indicate placement of figure or table by inserting a notation, “Insert Figure X about here,” at the appropriate point in the manuscript (between paragraphs).

Photographs should be submitted as prints on photographic paper. Prints scanned on color or other copiers are not acceptable. You may submit photographs and similar images as TIFF documents, saved in the approximate size in which it will be published at 300 dpi, grayscale mode for black and white and either RGB or CMYK mode for color.

The manuscript should include a 50-to-100-word abstract. If we are interested in your book-length work, a worksheet will be sent to you for completion prior to the final review process.

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