Practically Speaking

Key Information

Practically Speaking: A Sourcebook for Instructional Consultants in Higher Education, Edited by Kathleen T. Brinko

2012 [ISBN: 1-58107-235-X; 342 pages; 8 1/2 x 11 inches; soft cover] $37.95


PSK2This title constitutes a uniquely comprehensive resource about instructional consultation in higher education. It addresses the skills and techniques of instructional consultation, describes programmatic approaches to instructional consultation, discusses the context of instructional consultation, addresses the evaluation of instructional consultation, and describes training programs for both novice and experienced instructional consultants. It contains state-of-the-art information in this new edition.

The Contents

Part One. Overview of Instructional Consultation

1. The Interactions of Teaching Improvement, Kate Brinko

2. Understanding and Implementing Effective Consultations, Laura L. B. Border

Part Two. Tools and Techniques of Instructional Consultation

3. The First Meeting with the Client, Bette LaSere Erickson and Mary Deane Sorcinelli

4. Collecting Information Using Class Observation, Lewis

5. Collecting Information Using Small Group Instructional Diagnosis (SGID), Lisa Firing Lenze

6. Collecting Information Using Small Group Methods, Richard Tiberius

7. Collecting Information and Analyzing Teaching Using Videos, Eric Kristensen

8. Collecting Information Using Student Ratings, Michael Theall and Jennifer Franklin

9. Data Review and Follow Up Consultation, Mary Deane Sorcinelli and Bette Erickson

Part Three. Programmatic Approaches to Instructional Consultation

10. Consulting with Faculty in Small Groups, William C. Rando

11. Peer-based Instructional Consultation, Diane E. Morrison

12. Microteaching, Teaching Laboratory, and Alliances for Change, Richard Tiberius

Part Four. The Context of Instructional Consultation

13. Higher Education inNorth America, Charles S. Claxton

14. Faculty Challenges in Teaching and Learning, Mary Ann Shea

15. The Challenge of Student Diversity, Catherine Clark, James Lancaster and Diane Waryold

16. Effects of Classroom Environments, Gabriele Bauer

17. Local Variables that Affect Consultation, Diane E. Morrison

Part Five. Increasing Expertise in Instructional Consultation

18. Instructional Consulting: A Guide for Developing Professional Knowledge, L. Dee Fink & D. Lynn Sorenson

19. Identifying and Assessing Your Consultation Style, Laura L. B. Border

20. Developmental Stages of Expertise in Educational Consultation, Richard Tiberius, Jane Tipping, and Ronald Smith

21. A Reflective Practice Approach to Professional Development, Ronald A. Smith

22. Assessing Consultations, Stephanie V. Rohdieck, Kathryn M. Plank, Alan Kalish

23. Consulting with International Faculty/Cross Cultural Issues, Michele DiPietro

24. Faculty in Distress: A Consulting Challenge, Nancy Polk

Part Six. Training Instructional Consultants

25. Using Case Studies in Faculty Development Contexts, Barbara Millis & Dannelle Stevens

26. Training Instructional Consultants to Use a Coaching Framework, Deandra Little and Michael Palmer

27. Instructional Skills Workshop Program: A Peer-based Model for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning, Diane Morrison and Judy Wilbee

28. Training TAs as Consultants at theUniversityofMichigan: Workshop Series for Peer Mentors, Tershia Pinder-Grover, Stiliana Milkova, and Chad Hershock

29. The Eberly Teaching Fellows: A Training Program for Graduate Students Conducting Peer Observation,  Michele DiPietro

30. Using Graduate Students as Consultants to Promote Teaching at the University of Texas a tSan Antonio,  Barbara Millis

31. Developing Graduate Student Teaching Consultants and Mentors at Stanford: The TA Consultant (TAC) and Mentors in Teaching (MinT) Programs, Robyn Wright Dunbar, Jennifer Schwartz, and Michele Marincovich

32. Effective Use of Graduate Peer Teaching Consultants at theUniversityofMichigan: Recruitment, Training, Supervision, and Evaluation, Deborah Meizlish, Tershia Pinder-Grover, and Mary Wright

33.TeachingCenterand Information Technology Staff Collaborations for Reciprocal Training,  Laura Border and Mark Werner

The Editor

Kathleen T. Brinko, PhD, is Director of Faculty and Academic Development in the Hubbard Programs for Faculty Excellence at Appalachian State University. She holds a bachelor’s degree in art, a master’s degree in early childhood education, and a doctorate in adult/higher education. For the past twenty-five years she has consulted with university faculty and teaching assistants about their teaching, their students’ learning, and other personal/professional issues. In 2004 Brinko completed a certificate in expressive arts therapy at Appalachian State University, and with her husband, co-founded an expressive arts therapy program, Express Yourself!, for children and adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities.

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