Writing Your Way to Success

Key Information

Writing Your Way to Success: Finding Your Own Voice in Academic Publishing,
By Susan Drake & Glen Jones

1997 [ISBN: 0-913507-63-6; 64 pages soft cover, 5.5-by-8.5-inch] Price $10.95


WYWSwebCovThere are many books available that will guide the academic to substantive academic writing. However, approximately 85% of publications are written by 15% of the academic population. Many academics experience the writing process as very difficult and painful, and give up writing rather than trying to surmount the obstacles. Writing Your Way to Success takes a fresh look at the publishing game and offers tried and true strategies that allowed two new academics to experience publishing success. It certainly will help you too!

The Contents

Susan’s Writing Path
Glen’s Writing Path
Our Stories

Why Write?
Traditional Approaches
Revisiting a Thesis
Working on a Collaborative Project
Action Research
Book Reviews
Choosing A Focus

Finding the Right Journal
Creating a Personalized Data Base
Other Avenues
Rule of Three
Dealing with Rejection

Writing Your Way To Clarity
Data Bases
Snowball Approach
Reviewing Systematically
Reviewing With the Computer
On Being Clear and Accessible
Getting Started
Exploring the Literature

Organizing for Clarity
Clarity of Purpose

Journal Editors and Editorial Boards
Accept Rejection as Inevitable
Stick to a Routine Volunteer to Teach a New Course
Present a Workshop in Somewhat Unfamiliar Territory
Send in Proposals for Conferences
Identify and Prioritize
Goal Setting
Maintaining Self-Motivation

Life After Publication


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