Key Information
Social Media in Medicine: The Impact of Online Social Networks on Contemporary Medicine, By Beatrice A. Boateng & Erik W. Black
2012 [ISBN: 1-58107-222-8; 226 pages; 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches; soft cover] $17.95
Online social networking has become a significant component in our lives and is now poised to make inroads into our health care systems. The connected generation of medical students, nurses and other health professionals are now constantly connected to the Internet through their mobile phones, computers and other Internet-accessible devices. Online social networking sites such as Facebook, Ning, You-tube and Twitter now account for approximately 23% of all Internet traffic. This phenomenon has created unique opportunities and challenges for health professionals. For example, enterprising professionals have established health related online communities to collaboratively develop manuals and textbooks using Wikis. Physicians discuss clinical issues and hear other doctors’ opinions of diagnoses on Facebook and Twitter have become venues for exhausted physicians to vent about patients. Unintentional disclosures of private health information on Facebook posts have led to disciplinary action against health care practitioners. This book focuses on the ubiquity of online social networking technology and the manner in which it is influencing our health care system. This book explores current areas on the use of social media in medicine. The book aims to provide discussions on the implications of social media and social networking in health care delivery. It is written for professionals as well as students who want to improve their understanding of the impact of social networking in health delivery from diverse perspectives.
The Contents
Chapter Summaries
PART A: Social Media, Medicine and Professionalism
Chapter 1. Defining Professionalism in the Age of Social Networks (Jeanne M. Farnan, MD MHPE; Vineet Arora, MD, MAPP)
Chapter 2. Privacy, Professionalism, and Social Media in Medicine (Joanna MacDonald, MB.ChB., FRANZCP, PhD)
Chapter 3. Social Media meets Medicine (Beatrice A. Boateng, PhD)
Chapter 4. Brave New Worlds: Medical Professionalism in the Digital Era (Tristan Gorrindo, MD; James Grove, MD)
Chapter 5. Doctor, Patient, Friend: Blurring the Boundaries (Juliet K. Mavromatis, MD, FACP)
Chapter 6. Social Networking in the Medical Community (Kathleen Elliott Vinson, JD)
PART B: Future Directions with Social Media in Medicine
Chapter 7. Harnessing the Power of Electronic Social Networks in Health Care (Kwasi Boateng, PhD)
Chapter 8. It’s The Rudeness Factor: The Socio-Cultural Impact of Social Networking on Mobile Innovations in Medical Education (Christopher Murray, MA; Cerdiwen Coulby, MA; Nancy Davies, BA; Alice Huskinson, Prabhjkoyt Kler, Helen Macorie, Catherine McMillan (medical students)
Chapter 9. Cures, Treatments, and Therapies on Facebook Veteran’s Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Groups (Avinash Thombre, PhD ; Shaheed Mohammed, PhD)
Chapter 10. Geolocated Social Media in Health Care (Erik W. Black, PhD and Lindsay Thompson, MD, MS)
Author Biographies
The Authors
Beatrice A. Boateng is Associate professor the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock.
Erik W. Blackis Assistant Professor in Pediatrics and Educational Technology at the College of Medicine at the University of Florida