It Works for Me, Flipping the Classroom

Key Information

It Works for Me, Flipping the Classroom: Shared Tips for Effective Teaching, By Hal Blythe, Charlie Sweet, & Russell Carpenter

2015 [ISBN: 1-58107-280-5; 126 pages; 7 ½ x 9 ¾ inch; soft cover] $17.95


WFMFCcovWebOur primary goal in assembling this collection is to convince faculty to experiment with the “flipped” classroom.  Given the techtonic shift, providing educators with an abundance of electronic resources, as well as the nature of today’s students, every faculty member needs to consider the possibilities of the flip.

Now that active learning has been demonstrated by research to be more effective than the pure sage-on-the-stage paradigm, flipping is a natural outgrowth with its recognition that classroom time needs to be dedicated to activities by the instructor, the individual students, and groups that promote a deeper learning of the material.

This book offers a guide for those faculty members wishing to make the first steps, taking the instructor from preparation for the flipped class experience through actual out-of-class assignments, in-class activities, electronic resources available for support, and even assessment of student performance and class effectiveness.

The Contents


To Flip or Not to Flip; Is That My Only Choice?
Start with an Instructional Design Theoretical Construct
Flipping Your Syllabus
Gradual Approach to Flipping
Creating a Personal Welcome for Your Flipped Class
Ultra TLC to Flip without Fizzles and Flops
Effective Integration of Course Syllabus and Online Video Technology to Explain
Student Role in Flipped Classroom Design for Blended Course
Steps for Flipping Your Classroom Using Project Based Learning
Go “Old School” with New Technology
Harness Student Creativity and Expertise
Flipping the Hybrid Classroom Online:  Projects and Conversations
Teaching the Flip:  Facilitating a Professional Learning Community

Reading Preview Clips
Extending My Classroom Beyond the Classroom Walls with Website Videos
A Multi-Modal Approach to Grammar and Punctuation within a Cultural Setting
Research Reports
Turning Old PowerPoints into Interactive Camtasia Studio Presentations
Stories of the Journey:  Using the Power of Story to Flip This Online Course

Now That I Flipped, What Do I Do with All This Class Time?
The Half-Flip:  Flipping One Day per Week of a Tuesday-Thursday Class
Class Notes Summary
Practical Simulations for Flipped Classrooms
Luck of the Draw
Using Evolving Case Studies to Deepen Student Learning
Building In-Class Activities through Group Work
An Equal Opportunity Employer:  Delegating Work Assignments to Collaborative Learners
Individual Oral Presentations as an Alternative to Written Answers to Problems
Service Learning and Podcasting PSAs
Community Service Learning and Collaboration in the Classroom Sustained
by Flipping the Classroom
Killing Multiple Birds with a Single Stone:  Using the Flipped Classroom Structure
to Go Beyond Course Content
Teaching Practical Grammar in Foreign Language Studies
Flipping Definitions of Terrorism
Flipping Creativity:  How Pretotyping and Prototyping Facilitate Engaging
Classroom Experiences
Use of the Flipped Classroom for a Super PAC Discussion/Debate
in a Political Science Course
Flipping the Classroom with Video Game Making
Flipped Classroom Student as Teacher: Merchandising Case Studies
Flipping the Online Classroom

The Great Gap
A Public Google Calendar for Coordinating Out-of-Class Content
Engaging Students in Video Outside of Class
TED-Ed Flipped Lessons:  Yes, I Know My Students Are Prepared
Using Animation to Display Course Content

Blended Classes Relative to Traditional Classes: Perception and Performance Data
Using Voicethread Case Study Design and Peer Analysis Within a Flipped Classroom Model
Using Cognitive Coaching in a Flipped History and Contemporary
Influences of Health, P.E. and Sport Classroom
Flipped Teaching Strategy with Preservice Teachers in    a Technology Integration Course

Flipping Assessment in the Flipped Classroom:  Using Bloom’s Taxonomy as a Guide
Flip a Class?  Flip a Test!
Practicing What I Preach:  Flipping for Mastery Learning in Assessment


Afterword:  Take-Aways
About the Authors

The Authors

Hal Blythe, Ph.D. (University of Louisville, 1972), is the Co-Director of the Teaching & Learning Center at Eastern Kentucky University.  With Charlie, he has collaborated on over 1200 published works, including 17 books (eight in New Forums’ popular It Works For Me Series), literary criticism, and educational research.

Charlie Sweet, Ph.D. (Florida State University, 1970), is the Co-Director of the Teaching & Learning Center at Eastern Kentucky University.  With Hal, he has collaborated on over 1200 published works, including 17 books, literary criticism, educational research, and ghostwriter of the lead novella for the Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine.

Russell Carpenter, Ph.D. (University of Central Florida, 2009), directs the Noel Studio for Academic Creativity and Minor in Applied Creative Thinking at Eastern Kentucky University where he is also Assistant Professor of English. He is the author or editor of several recent books including The Routledge Reader on Writing Centers and New Media (with Sohui Lee), Cases on Higher Education Spaces, Teaching Applied Creative Thinking (with Charlie Sweet, Hal Blythe, and Shawn Apostel), and the Introduction to Applied Creative Thinking (with Charlie Sweet and Hal Blythe). He serves as President of the Southeastern Writing Center Association and Past Chair of the National Association of Communication Centers.


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