It Works for Me as a Scholar-Teacher: Shared Tips for the Classroom

Key Information

It Works for Me as a Scholar-Teacher: Shared Tips for the Classroom, By Hal Blythe & Charlie Sweet

2008 [ISBN: 1-58107-148-5; 156 pages; 7 ½ x 9 3/4 inch; soft cover] $17.95


WFMSThis title is divided into two main sections. In the book’s first part the authors bring together some essays and tips on how you can enhance your personal scholarship, whether you’re just starting out or have experienced some success as a scholar. The entries explore personal scholarly growth from the more theoretical “Developing a Scholarly Frame of Mind” to the very practical “The Business of Scholarship.” The book’s second part offers advice on sharing with students what very effective scholars have learned about theory and practice. In this section you’ll find everything from suggestions on how to enhance students’ critical thinking to tips on working collaboratively with students on research projects and fostering proper research skills. Appropriately, for this part of the book, the authors have received tips that do more than just provide basic utilitarian information—this collection includes some theory underlying their practical advice as well as reports on assessment.

The Contents

INTRODUCTION: “The Essentiality of Academic Research”

Developing a Scholarly Frame of Mind
>Transforming Yourself into a Scholar
>A Two-Way Street
>Becoming Great at Scholarship
>What about the Coonskin Cap
>Work from the Center Outward
Establishing the Boundaries of Scholarship
>Boyer Plus One and That Equals Fun
>Expanding the Boundaries of Scholarship
>No Longer the Red-Headed StepChild
Strategies for Scholarly Work
–The Decalogue of Scholarly Discipline
–Making Time for Research
–Start Here
–Performing Market Analysis
–The Most Important Writing Tool
–Avoiding Writer’s Block
–Last In, First Out
–Use “End Notes” to Organize Scholarship
–Don’t Use a Scalpel to Peel an Apple
–How to Create a Poster Presentation Using PowerPoint
–Nothing Is Written
–The Staircase Approach to Becoming a Published Scholar
–Short, But Effective
–Scholarly Articles
–Beating Rejectionslipitis
Collaborative Scholarship
>Mentoring the Publication Process
>Collaborative Research Works for Us
3.> Professional Learning Communities
>The Effects of Caffeine on Creativity
>Encouraging Community-Based Scholarship
The Business of Scholarship
>Files and Inventory
>Creating a Survey on Scholarship

Promoting Critical Thinking Skills
1.>Thinking Outside the Bag: A Critical Thinking Icebreaker
>Developing Critical Thinking Skills for Writing
>Helping Students Explore the Scholarship of Learning Model
>Using Cognitive Psychology to Teach in Technology
Developing Scholarly Skills
>Developing Interviewing Skills
>The Interview: The First Foray into Primary Research
>Student Scholarship
>Decreasing Communication Apprehension
>Class Presentations as a Prelude to Scholarship
>The “I Wonder Why?” Presentation
Employing Effective Methodology
>Personal Scholarship as a Model for Taking Class Material Seriously
>Modeling Through Student Writing Communities
>The Use of Pre and Post Quizzes to Increase Student Engagement in Their Learning
>Micro Embedded Lectures
>Student-Developed Test Questions
>Measuring Student Self-Confidence
>End-of-Course Review Paper Utilizing a Novel
>Meditation: A Technique for Enhancing Scholarship
>Creativity & Inspiration: An Interdisciplinary Approach in Engaging

The Authors

Hal Blythe, Ph.D., is a Foundation Professor of English at the Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY. He has authored three non-fiction books dealing with writing and over 100 critical scholarly articles. He has ghost-written over 30 Mike Shayne novellas and over 100 short stories in popular magazines to include Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine and Woman’s World. He also has produced seven television scripts for EKU-TV’s Keys to Communication Series, and over 25 articles in Writer’s Digest dealing with pedagogy.

Charlie Sweet, Ph.D., is a Foundation Professor of English at Eastern Kentucky University. He formerly taught at Florida State University


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