Key Information
Shaping the European Mind: Intellectual Trends in Modern Europe – from the Renaissance to the 20th Century, Edited by Paul Dykes & John C. Powell
2003 [ISBN: 1-58107-081-0; 288 pages soft cover; 5 1/4 x 8 1/4 inch] $19.95
This book contains selected passages from significant works by some of the most influential thinkers in European history.
- Machiavelli
- Descartes
- Marx
- Luther
- Spinoza
- Engels
- Calvin
- Kant
- Darwin
- Voltaire
- De Tocqueville
- Zwingli
- Rousseau
- Bismarck
- Locke
- Paine
- Lenin
- Newton
- Burke
- Churchill
- More . . .
The biographical sketches that accompany these documents are designed to help students place each source in its proper context. Readers are urged to contemplate why, when, where, and how these words were first delivered. In some cases students may discern that the cares and concerns of those who have gone before us are not substantially different from our own concerns. It is the aim of the text for readers to see how these words have influenced the modern world.
Shaping the European Mind is designed to introduce readers to some of the main currents of European thought from the Renaissance to the modern era. While not comprehensive, it includes some of the most influential thinkers of the modern era. It is the opinion of the editors that exposure to these primary sources will enhance oneÕs study of European history. The editors take full responsibility for any omissions that have occurred or for any errors that have taken place in the editing process.
The Editors
Paul Dykes, B.A., M.A., studied at the University of Tulsa and at Stanford University. He began teaching in Tulsa in 1959 and currently teaches philosophy at Booker T. Washington High School, a magnet school in Tulsa.
Dr. John C. Powellearned degrees at Oklahoma City University and Oklahoma State University. He is Dean of Faculty at Heritage Hall in Oklahoma City, where he teaches history, art history, and philosophy.