Teaching Inclusively: Resources for Course, Department and Institutional Change in Higher Education

Key Information

Teaching Inclusively: Resources for Course, Department and Institutional Change in Higher Education, Edited By Mathew L. Ouellett

2005 [ISBN: 1-58107-113-2; 700 pages; 6 x 9 inch; soft cover] $64.95


TIwebCovTeaching Inclusively brings together a broad array of current “best practices” in the design, implementation, and assessment of multicultural change initiatives on college and university campuses. Readers will find that this volume advocates for more transparent connections between change initiatives at individual, departmental, and college-wide levels by highlighting the ways in which such practices and change goals can relate to and support each other, thus addressing a noticeable absence in the current available literature.

The contributors to this volume present readers with a balance between theoretical models and demonstration projects that address change processes at three levels: individual courses, programs and departments, and across schools and institutions. In addition, there are descriptions of current, multi-year or multi-phase efforts at both departmental and organizational levels. Whenever possible, the contributors include their perspectives on important lessons learned from their efforts. Finally, we offer resource materials that promise concrete support for applications.

Part I addresses models and perspectives that help to conceptualize, implement and assess diversity-related instructional and faculty development programs at the systemic level. Contributors offer models and descriptions of practices aimed at making transparent the values, beliefs, and goals that shape institutional and classroom climates. Note that in the context of this volume, “diversity” is deliberately defined broadly to encourage a more systemic approach to the analyses of and response to diversity-related issues. For many readers, this may offer new dimensions and greater texture to their current conceptualization of diversity. This section reflects the contributors’ interests in analytical tools and organizational frameworks useful in addressing individual, departmental, and institutional changes. Whenever appropriate, authors in this section identify a range of practical applications, such as course-based efforts in the major to courses that fulfill general education requirements.

In Part II, contributors describe change initiatives that use departments (or programs) as the unit of analysis for diversity-related change efforts. In this section, readers will benefit from the descriptions and assessments of programs designed specifically to bring faculty and academic administrators together in cohorts to address diversity and teaching development goals within the disciplines in a sustained dialogue on diversity. Assessment of current efforts indicate that such initiatives illuminate the content, skills, and values necessary for sustained change and that such experiences can become important models for broader institutional change efforts.

In Part III, the contributors discuss multicultural change efforts at the college or institutional level directed at creating and sustaining more inclusive teaching and learning communities. Additionally, contributors describe programs and practices useful in addressing diversity issues across the disciplines as well as within discipline-specific contexts. Particular emphasis is placed on understanding how can systematic multicultural organization change initiatives can support a departmental or campus-wide emphasis on teaching inclusively. These chapters offer rich descriptions of efforts at institutions learning how to address diversity-related initiatives in a sustainable, comprehensive manner. Such efforts can help others determine how best to assess their organization’s needs and strengths, and to determine what is needed in the larger environment to initiate and sustain successful pro-equity organizational change and innovations.

Finally, Part IV pays particular attention to resources and program models particularly useful for faculty developers and centers. Contributors to this section provide a rich set of tools for self and course assessment, planning for new or revised programs, and suggesting well-proven strategies for approaches to diversity-related teaching development and organizational change initiatives. These include descriptions of specific, “hands on” consultation practices, workshop exercises, resource materials, and design elements (e.g., use of writing prompts) proven effective across the disciplines in engaging faculty in reflection, analysis, dialogue and innovation related to diversity-related teaching development goals.

The Contents

About the Editor
1. Theoretical Frameworks and Useful Models

>The Theory and Practice of Multicultural Organization Development in Education, by Bailey W. Jackson
>Letting the Hydra Roam: Attending to Diverse Forms of Diversity in Liberal Arts Education, Sammy Basu
>It Takes a Campus: Situating Professional Development Efforts Within a Campus Diversity Program, by Nancy Chism and Karen Whitney
>Defining the Shape of Diversity Pedagogy, by Lynn Leonard, Sue Akersten, Stephen Adkison and Edward Nuhfer
>Transcultural Issues in Teaching and Learning, by Bland Tomkinson
>Building Multiculturalism into Teaching Development Programs, by Constance Ewing Cook and Mary Deane Sorcinelli
>Warming Up the Chill: Teaching Against Structures, by Audrey Kleinsasser and Jane Nelson
>Enhancing the Climate for Diversity in the Classroom: An Experiment in Campus Transformation, by Richard C. Turner, Gina Sanchez Gibau, Monica M. Medina, and Sherree A. Wilson
>Positionality and Authority in Curriculum Transformation: Faculty/Student Collaboration in Course Design, by Betty Schmitz and Anupama Taranath
>Teaching and Diversity: Collaborative Lessons Learned, by Pamela Ashmore, Kathleen Sullivan Brown, G. O. Akura, and Carole Murphy
>Teaching Inclusively: The Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts, by Christine Martin
>Renewing Diversity Initiatives Within an English Department, by Anne J. Herrington
>Teaching Diversity and Fostering Inclusivity at the University: A Collaborative Approach, by Abby L. Ferber and Andrea O’Reilly Herrera
>Speaking a New Language: An Innovative Program Promotes Discussions in Diversity With Foreign Language Learners, by Lisa Calvin
>Transforming Teacher Preparation: Changing Cultures Through Constructivism and Reflective Practices, by Miguel Licona
2. Departmental or Program-Based Change Initiatives
>Teaching Together: Interracial Teams, by Mathew L. Ouellett and Edith C. Fraser
>Confronting Issues of Oppression in the University: Creating a Space for Faculty Dialogue, Reflection, and Action, by Peter
T. Wilson

>Breaking the Silence: Innovative Approaches for Promoting Dialogue About Diversity Issues Within a Communication Disorders Department, by Maria Diana Gonzales and Jane A. Baran
>Transforming Higher Education Institutions Using Multicultural Organizational Development: A Case Study of a Large Northeastern University, by Linda S. Marchesani and Bailey W. Jackson
>Institutional Transformation to Support Inclusive Teaching Initiatives, by Murali Krishnamurthi
>Cultivating Global Understanding Through Campus-Wide Learning Communities, by Bonnie B. Mullinix, Rekha Datta and Morris Saldov
3. Systemic Change Initiatives
>Moving the Mountain: Social Justice Education at the University, by Julie Andrzejewski and John Alessio
>Multicultural Transformation at Macalester College, by Roxane Harvey Gudeman
>>Making the Campus Community a Safe and Affirming Space for All, by Robert S. Haynor and Susan A Holton
>Critical Moments: A Case-Based Diversity Project That Engages and Enlivens Campus-Wide Efforts to Teach and Work Inclusively, by Diane Gillespie, Gillies Malnarich, and Tina Young
>From Reading Group to Faculty Change Team: The Hamline University Lido Group, by James Francisco Bonilla
>But How Can I Talk With Faculty About That? Approaches to Consulting Around Multicultural Issues, by Matthew Kaplan and Beth Glover Reed
>Mainstreaming Feminist Perspectives, by Carol Lauer and Lynda M. Glennon
>Faculty Development and Students With Disabilities: Accommodations and Universal Design, by Sheryl Burgstahler
>A Catwalk for Kitano: Highlighting Kitano’s Paradigm for Multicultural Course Transformation in Consultations With Individual Faculty, by Natasha Flowers
>Proving Diversity Classes Make a Difference: Effective Assessment of Students’ Learning, by Sherwood Smith
>A Framework for Inclusive Teaching in STEM Disciplines, by Lois A. Reddick, Wayne Jacobson Angela Linse, and Darryl Yong
>The Multicultural Lab: Diversity Issues in STEM Classes, by A.T. Miller
>Science in the Interest of Social Justice: Untangling the Biological Realities of Race and Gender, by Leslie S. Jones
>Faculty Development and Organizational Change: Moving From “Minority Relevant” to Intersectionality and Social Justice, by Beth Glover Reed and Melissa R. Peet
>Interactive Theater as a Multicultural Change Agent in Faculty Development, by Diana Kardia, A.T. Miller, and Jeffrey Steiger
>Dissemination of Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) and Formation of a National Network: Embracing a Common Pedagogy, by Pratibha Varma-Nelson and David Gosser
>Service Learning, Study Circles, and Problem-Based Learning: Student-Initiated Efforts to Confront the Concept of Race, by Larry E. Greeson
4. Best Practices and Methods
>Developing Diversity Management Skills in a University Context: A Direct or Indirect Approach?, by Philip Frame and Jennifer O’Connor
>Creating Inclusive Classrooms: A View Through the Student Lens, by James Greenberg and Andre Perry
>Multicultural Course Transformation, by Christine A. Stanley, Shari Saunders, and Jamie M. Hart
>Teaching With a Social Justice Perspective: A Model for Faculty Seminars Across Academic Disciplines, by Maurianne Adams and Barbara J. Love
>Strategic Action in Hot Moments, by Lee Warren
>Inclusive Teaching for Our Queer Students: A Workshop, by Michele DiPietro
>Key Resources on Diversity for Faculty Developers: An Idiosyncratic Annotated Bibliography, by Stephanie Nickerson
>Multicultural Online Resources: What Are They, Where Are They, and Are They Bias-Free?, by Denise C. Camin


This book is an excellent guide to one of the most important challenges that faces higher education today. Both insightful and inspiring, these resources are a great way to jumpstart the dialogue on how to create and sustain systemic change efforts from the classroom level to the campus at large. This is a marvelously rich collection.

Thomas S. Edwards
Vice President for Academic Affairs, Thomas College, Maine. Past president of the New England Faculty Development Consortium. Coeditor of At Home on This Earth: Two Centuries of U.S. Women’s Nature Writing.

A unique and amazing gem among a crowded field of texts on multiculturalism in higher education that distinguishes itself in many ways. First, the volume engages theoretical discussions of “diversity” and curricular transformation while remaining grounded in the concrete experiences of those who implement, teach, and evaluate courses. Second, it emphasizes context by examining how diversity issues play out in the classroom, in departments and programs, and in the campus-wide institution as a whole. Third, it highlights the lessons learned from a variety of efforts so that readers come away with a clear sense of the best practices in the field.

Michael Omi
Professor and Chair of Ethnic Studies, University of California Berkeley. Coauthor of Racial Formation in the United States and numerous articles on racial theory and politics. The 1990 Recipient of Berkeley’s Distinguished Teaching Award.

With the publication of Teaching Inclusively, colleges and universities across the country struggling with the challenges of an increasingly diverse and complex student body now have somewhere to turn. Here, they will find theoretical frameworks to understand the issues, concrete ideas to put them into practice, and resources to help guide them in providing all their students with a meaningful and complete college experience. Bravo to Matt Ouellett and his contributors for this vital contribution.

Sonia Nieto
Professor of Language, Literacy, and Culture in the Department of Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies, University of Massachusetts Amherst. Author of Why We Teach, as well as more than 10 other books on education.

As director of faculty and organizational development at a large public research university, I want to give a ringing endorsement of Mathew Ouellett’s Teaching Inclusively. I am so grateful to have a resource book on multicultural education that captures the complexity of the dynamic relationships among course, department and institutional change efforts. This handbook offers a rich tapestry of theoretical frameworks that take institutional context into account, best practices, and compelling new research by seasoned practitioners in multicultural education. Matt Ouellett has been leading efforts to promote and support diversity and social justice in higher education for decades. This book reflects his expansive understanding of the issues and numerous promising practices that are emerging throughout higher education. The articles are well written and skillfully edited, providing readings on multicultural education that are both accessible and nuanced, able to meet the needs of both novices and experts in diversity work. As I prepare my wish list of new books on multicultural education, this is first on my list — for myself and to share with colleagues.

Deborah DeZure, Ph.D.
Director of Faculty and Organizational Development and Sr. Advisor to the Provost, Michigan State University. Contributing Editor, CHANGE Magazine, Senior Fellow, Association of American Colleges and Universities

The Editor

Dr. Mathew L. Ouellett is Associate Director of the Center for Teaching, University of Massachusetts Amherst. In this capacity, he works closely with faculty members, department chairs and deans to implement a broad range of teaching development and diversity related programs for faculty and graduate students across the disciplines. For the past ten years he has been responsible for the academic year-long faculty and graduate student teaching development fellowship, Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom Faculty and Teaching Assistant Development Program.

Dr. Ouellett has published a number of articles and book chapters on a broad range of research and teaching interests including: teaching inclusively, multicultural education, and organization development. Dr. Ouellett serves as an adjunct faculty member in the School of Education, University of Massachusetts Amherst where he regularly teaches EDUC 595K: Introduction to College Teaching. Additionally, he is a summer lecturer in the Smith College School for Social Work where he team teaches both required and elective courses on the implications of race and racism for social work practice in the United States. He is also regularly invited to present at regional and national faculty development institutes. Dr. Ouellett has most recently been the recipient of research support from the Ford Foundation, Annie E. Casey Foundation, and the Richard Nathan Trusts through the Institute for Gay and Lesbian Studies, Amherst, Massachusetts.


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