We are actively seeking submissions related to personal development as related to the following categories. Authors are encouraged to review the submissions guidelines under the “Authors” tab for information about publishing your work on these topics.
Healthful Life Strategies / These titles have typically addressed physical aspects of health, but some excellent works have addressed health in terms of personality. Basically, the titles offered through this effort suggest self-examination models that show us how to take charge of our lives, or strategies for helping family members or others who may seek help with problems that detract from a quality and healthy life style. View the titles.
Social & Spiritual Growth / These works provide opportunities to promote our spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Explicit opportunities to promote self development in these areas are provided in religious education and the non-statutory framework for personal, social and health education and citizenship. A significant contribution is also made by effective relationships in the classroom, social activities, and work. View the titles.