Online with the Journal of Faculty Development
With this volume, the Journal’s online edition will provide two book-length supplements in addition to its three regular issues. The first for 2016 will be the new title, Handbook for Higher Education: A Framework & Principles for Success in Teaching by David Garrett Way, which offers seasoned classroom advice faculty
developers will want to share with instructors across their campuses. The second supplement, Innovating Faculty Development: Entering the Age of Innovation by Charlie Sweet, Hal Blythe, and Russell Carpenter, comprises the authors’ new model for the field of faculty development as it enters what they call the “Age of Innovation.” Supplements will not be offered with the printed edition, but readers may adjust their subscriptions by contacting me at [email protected]. Additionally, subscribers to the online edition of this Journal may participate in the National Innovative Faculty Development Network at no extra charge, which brings me to my next and final points.