Key Information
Volume 10, 2006, bound complete issues [ISSN: 1068-6096; 6-by-9-inch] $12.95 / Note: this issue is currently not available.
The Contents
Service-Learning Pedagogy: An Opportunity for Faculty to Engage in Mentoring Graduate Students 7
Sharyn J. Potter and Melissa Wells
A Study of Graduate Student Perspectives on Teaching Assistantships and Unionization 17
Rocci Luppicini
Teaching Assistants Learning, Students Responding: Process, Principles, Products and Perspectives 31
Patricia L. tlardré and Ching-fluci Chen
Winning at the P.E.T. Show: Reflections on Academic Interview Teaching Demonsfrations 59
William W. Anderson
The Course Coordinator Program: An Additional Tool for Preparing Graduate Students for Academia 65
Stephen A. Hahay and George C. Bandik
Lower than a Frosh: Reflections on Experiences as a First-Year Instructor 73
Andrea Lynn Penn
Graduate Program Experiences that Can Influence Confidence for Faculty Roles and Responsibilities 87
Claire H. Major