Studies in Graduate & Professional Student Development

SGPSDcoverA platform for the discussion of the research, issues, and programs that address the professional development of graduate and professional students.

About the Studies in Graduate and Professional Student Development Book Series

Studies in Graduate and Professional Student Development is a peer-reviewed book series designed to provide a platform for the discussion of the research, issues, and programs that address the professional development of graduate and professional students. Areas to be addressed include:

  • Research on teaching, professional development, curricula, assessment and evaluation, training, certification, and career planning and outcomes
  • Research on effective disciplinary and interdisciplinary programs and workshop designs, implementation and evaluation for teaching and learning
  • Research on the transition from graduate school to full-time faculty positions
  • Basic research on teaching and learning

The intended audience for this journal comprises:

  • Disciplinary societies and their subcommittees on teaching and learning
  • Personnel in the Office of the Graduate Dean
  • Administrators, chairs, graduate faculty, and graduate directors
  • Administrators, chairs, graduate faculty, and professional advisors in the professional schools
  • Research faculty, research associates, and postdocs at research institutions
  • Faculty who teach departmental, discipline-specific teaching methodology courses
  • Faculty who serve as teaching assistant coordinators or supervisors
  • TA development personnel at research institutions
  • Preparing future faculty personnel at research institutions
  • Graduate student professional development personnel at research institutions
  • Faculty development personnel at research, four-year, and two-year institutions
  • Centers for Teaching and Learning
  • Career development personnel who focus on non academic careers for master’s and doctoral graduates
  • Administrators and faculty at two-year and four-year institutions who hire candidates into faculty positions
  • Graduate and professional students in all fields
  • The Council of Graduate Schools
  • The National Association of Graduate-Professional Students

Note: If you would like to submit your name to become a reviewer, please contact:

Call for Papers

New Forums Press welcomes queries about the new Studies in Graduate and Professional Student Development book series for volumes devoted to specific disciplines or programs.

As examples, volume editors are sought for the following topics:

  • Research in graduate education and the preparation of graduate teaching assistants and future faculty
  • Centers, programs, and departmental efforts to prepare graduate teaching assistants for current and future roles as faculty
  • Inventories of good practice, skills, and outcomes
  • Professional development issues for academic and non academic career preparation
  • Technology and the preparation of future faculty and professionals
  • Graduate education and course curricula to prepare graduate teaching assistants for their current and future roles

Guidelines for Editors/Authors

Articles for the Studies in Graduate and Professional Student Development series must be addressed for specific volumes, and should be designed to inform and assist members of the above academic communities with their work. Announcements by volume editors seeking article submissions will be placed on this site.

Papers accepted for publication demonstrate scholarly excellence in research, innovation, integration, or inspiration about instructional, faculty, or organizational development.

The Review Process

Manuscripts will be acknowledged upon receipt. Normally, following an initial review by the Editor, manuscripts will be sent to three members of the Editorial Board. Manuscripts which include statistical studies or research models receive additional review by a Research Editor.

At the present time, the Series is not accepting reviews of educational materials, interviews or dialogues, articles promoting a commercial service or product, descriptions of programs or projects not yet implemented, or articles extremely technical in nature.

Manuscript Submission Requirements


  • Articles of 15 – 20 pages, double-spaced (12-point font) will be accepted.
  • Manuscripts must be prepared according to the guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Fifth Edition.
  • The title must be no longer than 10 words and clearly inform the reader about the content.
  • Include an abstract of 50 words or less.
  • Citations appear in the reference section at the end of the manuscript. In the text, sources are cited by author(s) and date, and if direct quotations are used, the page number(s).
  • Headings, if they are used, are not numbered.
  • When you describe new approaches and programs, please include design, implementation, and evaluative information.

The editors will provide prompt feedback on all manuscripts. If your manuscript is accepted for publication, we will ask you to send the final, revised document (including all charts and tables) and a biographical statement as an email attachment.

Manuscript Formatting Requirements

  • Please send inquiries and manuscripts (as attachments) to:

    [email protected]

    You also may call Tel: 405.372.6158 to discuss your planned submission. Fax: 405.377-2237

    Include your phone number so that we may coordinate placement of your manuscript into one of our publications.

  • Include an abstract of the manuscript not to exceed 50 words.
  • Double-space the entire manuscript, including references, quotations, tables, and figures.
  • Leave generous margins (an inch all around) on each page.
  • Use headings and subheadings to divide the manuscript into meaningful sections. Type major headings centered and type lesser headings flush with the left margin.
  • Number all pages consecutively. Do not place your name on any of these pages.
  • Type references in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. Complete references must be cited in the style specified by the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition. References should be cited in the text using author’s last name and year of publication (Doe, 1998), etc., as outlined in the APA Publication Manual.
  • Place your name, title, complete address, institution, telephone number, and email address on a cover page only, so that the manuscript can be reviewed anonymously. Please remove from the body of the manuscript and the citation list all references to specific individuals and institutions.
  • Do not submit material that has been published previously or that is under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Authors bear full responsibility for the proper crediting of sources used in the manuscript and for the accuracy of references, quotations, tables, and figures.
  • Table: should be done as TAB-DELIMITED text only; save each table as a SEPARATE FILE, clearly named (i.e., “Table 1,” “Table 2,” etc.). If you are using Microsoft Word, each table can be saved as a Word Table, but a SEPARATE FILE for each table is still necessary. Excel spreadsheets are also acceptable. DO NOT ADD GRIDLINES.
  • Graphic Images, line art, illustrations, charts, should be submitted as SEPARATE FILES in TIFF, PDF or EPS format, with an optional resolution of 300 dpi; DO NOT EMBED THEM OR PLACE THEM AS IN-LINE GRAPHICS in the text of your manuscript. PowerPoint graphics can not be used.

Proofs and Reprints

If your submission is accepted for publication, page proofs will be sent to you for review and corrections.  Each author will receive a courtesy copy of the issue in which their article appears.

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